Recommended Resources

Birth Work and Energy Work
Audra Nelson - Audra is your source for all your placenta needs, including encapsulation, tincture, and umbilical cord keepsakes. Audra also rents several different sizes of pools. Agape Blooming clients will receive their pool at about 36 weeks of pregnancy. Audra will deliver pools to all other clients. - 402-850-7644
Thrive Chiropractic - Shana Gorman-Dunn - 602-390-0917
Got Kundalini Healing Services - Seva Simran Khalsa - 415-375-0813
Latisa Ratliff –P.S. Love Mommy – Birth doula team, photographers, placenta encapsulators, birth pool rental
Crys Melton – Doula, childbirth educator, placenta processing – 480-215-0018
Gila Shire – Yogila – Doula, yoga, massage, and other energy work - 602-672-1319
Roxanne Barnes – Bodytalk, craniosacral therapy, CNM - realignwithroxanne@gmail.com - 623-688-3818
Benjamin Lewis IV – MAA Wellness Center, Inc – Phoenix - 602-305-4719
IBCLC/Lactation Consultants/Tongue Tie
Dr. Cara Riek – Arizona Breastfeeding Medicine - 7730 E. Greenway Rd, St. 101, Scottsdale – Cell-480-508-0861 Office-480-208-1490
Michelle Hottya, IBCLC – Agave Pediatrics, Chandler - 480-585-5200
AZ Breastfed Babies – North Phoenix and Goodyear offices – 623-526-0673
Mama Bird Lactation – Queen Creek – 480-459-1196 - **Home visits
Local Support Resources
Arizona Birth Network-Promotes awareness of evidence-based care and informed decision-making through advocacy, education, and support
La Leche League: Your local breastfeeding experts. A huge lending library, lots of like-minded women, and the best advice you’ll find
International Caesarean Awareness Network AZ- The local chapter of the International Caesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) meets monthly in AZ
National Support Resources
Evidence-Based Birth -Rebecca Dekker Ph.D., RN, Founder – Evidence-based information on all things birth. Not opinion-based, fact-based. Along with resources, books, and childbirth classes
Spinning Babies – Teaches the physical relationship between the bodies of the mother and baby, for the easing of childbirth. Along with access to classes, positioning, techniques, etc.
The Childbirth Connection is a source of trustworthy, up-to-date, evidence-based information and resources on planning for pregnancy, labor & birth, and the postpartum period
Information on Homebirth and Midwives
The Big Push for Midwives is working to legalize out-of-hospital birth and midwifery in all 50 states
Improving Birth Coalition: Organizations, professionals, advocates, and families, that share a commitment to making Mother-Friendly Care a reality
MANA: An organization of North American Midwives and their advocates
The North American Registry of Midwives: The international certifying and credentialing agency for Certified Professional Midwives (CPM)